Installing and upgrading node.js on Windows

Steps for installation:

  1. Go to and download the latest version of node.  I'll proceed with the Windows Installer (.msi) version.
    1. You can also go to to download installer for other platform.
  2. Run the node-XXXXXXXXXX.msi installer, and proceed to installation like a normal Windows application (basically just Next... , Agree, Next … Finish). I'd strongly suggest that you accepts all the default configurations and selections during the setup.

  3. Once installation completed, start a command prompt and type "node --version" and verify that it shows the version of node.

Steps for upgrade:

  1. I personally don't use any special tools to switch between version of nodes,  I prefer install if using the same Windows Installer. (If you uses all the default settings during setup, upgrading is simple repeating the installation steps to overwrite  the current version of node)
  2. If you want to use NVM (Node Version Manager) kind of tools that available to Linux users, you can use take a look at Nodist ( You can get Nodist via Chocolatey (


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